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Luxury Brands Stock and Real Estate Investing

Charlie Munger cautioned against indulging in ostentatious purchases, highlighting the dangers of envy-driven spending. He emphasized that fixating on others' possessions breeds resentment and detracts from appreciating one's own blessings. Munger, renowned for his frugality despite his substantial wealth, denounced the allure of status symbols like luxury watches, advocating for a more prudent approach to wealth management. Instead of succumbing to extravagant expenditures, Munger advocated for strategic investing. He favored value investing, seeking out undervalued stocks with strong fundamentals and enduring competitive advantages. Munger believed in investing in businesses with "economic moats" that safeguarded their profitability and market share over time. He famously applied a buy-and-hold strategy, recognizing the power of compound interest and patience in achieving long-term financial success. Munger's prudent financial philosophy extended beyond investment strategies. He emphasized the importance of personal integrity, financial discipline, and cultivating contentment. Munger's approach to life centered on avoiding envy, maintaining fiscal responsibility, and prioritizing relationships with trustworthy individuals. In essence, his formula for a fulfilling life comprised simplicity, resilience, and adherence to timeless principles. I am mostly an Index fund buyer.  However, I very much like Warren Buffet's stock buying mentality for Berkshire Hathaway, which I hold stock in.  I was recently asked what about investing in a luxury brand, such as Rolex, as the price of Rolexs has soared since covid. Adapted from,Is%20Rolex%20on%20the%20Stock%20Market%3F,and%20scholarships%20for%20the%20underprivileged. 5 Great Alternatives to Rolex Stock Three good alternatives to investing in Rolex stock are Ferrari, Kering, LVMH, Hermes, and Nike. 1. Ferrari NV (NYSE: RACE) Most people cannot afford a Ferrari, but they can buy Ferrari (RACE) stock. Ferrari’s value comes from its brand, like Rolex. Brand Finance named Ferrari the world’s strongest brand in 2020, with a Brand Strength Index

By |May 30th, 2023|Categories: Uncategorized|Comments Off on Luxury Brands Stock and Real Estate Investing


Just Delivered Macy's Jade Bangle Qty: 1 Size: 2 1/2 Color:  Green Type: BRACELET Sources in Hong Kong for jade jewelery: Introduction There are two minerals that are commonly called jade, nephrite and jadeite. The traditional Chinese jade, is nephrite. Just to make things even more confusing, in New Zealand, jade is called pounamu or greenstone. As one of the world's oldest decorative stones, jade has been prized for its beauty across the world. Properties Close up of a carved nephrite slab, from Marsden River, New Zealand. Bown Collection Source: Geoscience Australia The two jade minerals, nephrite and jadeite are both tough and have small granular crystals giving a fibrous appearance. They have quite different chemical compositions and structures. Nephrite is a type of amphibole mineral and jadeite is a type of pyroxene mineral. Nephrite can be white, yellow, green and brown to black, depending on the amount of iron and magnesium in the mineral. Jadeite can be green, pink, purple, brown and white. Nephrite jade is very tough, the toughest known natural mineral, three times tougher than ceramics and even tougher than steel. This explains why it was used in neolithic times for knife blades, axe heads and later for ornamental carvings. While it is not as hard as some other minerals like diamond, nephrite is made from an interwoven meshwork of fine fibres or needle-like crystals so is not brittle and does not break easily. Coarser crystals and alignment of minerals decreases the toughness of the mineral. Jadeite is the second toughest mineral known, but is not as tough as nephrite as its interlocking crystals are less fibrous. The interlocking crystals or fibrous structures of these two jade minerals mean they can be polished easily, so are

By |May 25th, 2023|Categories: Uncategorized|Comments Off on Jade

Quikcrete for Posts

Quikrete Fast Setting Concrete Mix Quikrete 50 lb. Fast-Setting Concrete Mix 100450 - The Home Depot 90-day returns $6.71 Quikrete fast-setting concrete mix is a special blend of fast-setting cements, sand and gravel designed to set hard in approximately 20 to 40 mins. Sets posts without mixing. Pour dry mix into hole and soak with water. Setting Mailbox Post I love this stuff for setting posts. In this case a mailbox post. Just dig a hole (the hardest part). Temporarily support the post in the middle of the hole. Pour in the dry Quikrete evenly around the post. Pour in water until you can't add any more. This was a wooden mailbox post and within a few minutes I was able to remove the temporary support which was a mattox and post hole digger. This couldn't be much easier unless the Quikrete could dig the hole for me.

By |May 9th, 2023|Categories: Uncategorized|Comments Off on Quikcrete for Posts


The concept of “Rumspringa” is a uniquely Amish tradition. It is a period of adolescence where Amish youngsters are allowed to leave the community and experience life outside their own. This period of soul-searching marks a transition from their childhood in the community to adulthood, and it’s up to them to decide whether they want to stay and continue farming or leave for a more “modern” way of life. This period of self-reflection illustrates the Amish’s embrace of choice and individuality within the boundaries of their community’s traditions and beliefs. After you are done messing about in life's various rumspringas, it's usually time to get back to work. If you want to achieve great success in life, it’s important to lock down what cornerstone habits you need to build. As you build these habits, keep the initial task simple so that it does not require much motivation to complete it. Here are some examples: For your spiritual life: Try starting your morning with five minutes of meditation. Find a quiet place where you won’t be disturbed, close your eyes, and breathe. If you need help getting into the right headspace, several apps can help guide you through it. When you can let the thoughts go in and out of your mind without judging them and aim to find stillness in the moment, you’re setting yourself up to reap the benefits.  TM and yoga sun salutes are great ways to start this habit. For your physical health: It’s vital that you get enough sleep every night. Use a smart device to help track your sleeping patterns and statistics. To decide when you need to get to bed, count backward from your wake-up time to ensure you

By |May 1st, 2023|Categories: Uncategorized|Comments Off on Rumspringa

Are You Ready?

Adapted from Dry Fire Training Cards. What's going on in the Ukraine has been a frequent topic of conversation lately...with family and friends, but particularly with guys who specialized in anti-terrorism work. I want to share an email from one of those guys, who's fought in failed states, was part of an anti-terrorism team, and who's lived through deadly natural other words, he has a very good and very unique perspective you should hear.  He said..."You might think this could never happen to you...You would be wrong. In fact, the stories coming out of Ukraine as more than 400,000 citizens desperately try to escape the chaos of Russia's invasion are EXACTLY how the "unprepared" will feel the shock of a wide-scale disaster of any kind in our system-dependent society. Yes, even in the good 'ol USA. Fleeing citizens stacked up in a 20-mile traffic jam, desperately seeking a safe place for them and their families. -Vehicles ran out of fuel or simply broke down. -Some stayed in place, sleeping in their cars - trapped with nowhere else to go. -Thousands of others pushed forward on foot... like one 26 y.o. who said, "I can't feel my feet anymore." as she was left to freeze outside and stay awake so that others wouldn’t steal her spot in line. -"For 3 days, I didn't eat a single bit of food, only water." was the comment from one 22 y.o. refugee who found out the hard way that food and water supplies are non-existent when supply lines shut down. -Families found themselves separated and fearful of their children being crushed in the crowds as everyone pushed their way to get across the border or grab whatever supplies could be

By |April 17th, 2023|Categories: Uncategorized|Comments Off on Are You Ready?

Soaring Inflation

Since April 2021, the cost of food prepared at home has risen by almost 20%. Within that category, the price of some cooking staples have skyrocketed. Margarine prices increased by 54%, largely due to the war in Ukraine, which is the world’s No. 1 exporter of sunflower oil. That’s the biggest increase of all food items in the Labor Bureau’s consumer price index, with a 13-ounce tub of margarine increasing from about $3.25 to $5 in the last two years. Relatedly, milk and bread production have also been affected by the conflict in Ukraine, with prices rising 19% and 21%, respectively. Rising fertilizer and labor costs are contributing factors, as well. Chicken prices have soared, too, as wholesale producers struggled to meet demand after cutting back production early in the pandemic. Prices declined slightly after peaking in late 2022, but they’re still up 20% over the last two years. Relatedly, avian flu decimated egg-laying flocks of chickens, which accounted for a dramatic surge in egg prices last year.

By |April 17th, 2023|Categories: Uncategorized|Comments Off on Soaring Inflation

Can You Refreeze Game Meat

  DANIELLE PREWETT Adapted from: As meat freezes, the liquids inside expand and form into crystals that puncture muscular fibers. As the meat defrosts, these crystals turn back to liquid. The damaged tissue will then release additional fluid that contains salt, vitamins and proteins. This juice isn’t just moisture for the meat, it’s also flavor. In theory, meat that has been frozen ends up being slightly tougher and drier than if it were fresh. Additionally, freezing promotes oxidization of fat, meaning the overall flavor begins to decline the longer it is frozen. Now, imagine this entire process happening twice. The quality of meat is now significantly lower, so it’s no wonder why many chefs preach against refreezing meat. Because so many people, including myself, have been in this predicament, I decided to try an experiment to find out just how much of a difference refreezing makes. I defrosted a vacuum sealed package of two pheasant breasts in the fridge that had been frozen for more than a year. The next day, I placed one of those breasts back in a vacuum sealed bag and froze it for a second time. After another 24 hours had passed, I pulled the meat from the freezer and left it in the fridge to defrost with its other half. The following day, I cooked both pheasant breasts side by side in the same pan for the same amount of time. The meat that had been frozen only once was tender and juicy. The other was noticeably tougher and drier. However, I wouldn’t go so far as to say it was inedible by any means. It was still a good piece of meat. Had I served that to someone

By |April 11th, 2023|Categories: Hunting|Comments Off on Can You Refreeze Game Meat


For Men The selection of your attire significantly influences how others perceive you, creating immediate impressions upon initial encounters. The initial impact is driven not by your intelligence or charm but by your outward appearance. Haberdashers sell hats and other furnishings for men. Milliners cater to women.  A haberdasher is a person who sells small articles for sewing, such as buttons, zippers, ribbons, and other notions, as well as men's clothing and accessories like hats, gloves, and neckties. In a broader sense, a haberdasher is associated with the retailing of men's clothing and various items related to sewing and textiles. The term is often used to describe a seller of men's clothing, particularly one who provides a variety of elegant and high-quality items. We love Tom James.  A lot of their finer wool fabrics come from Saville Row Holland & Sherry. Haberdashers work to provide custom suits, coordinated ties and shirts, and shoes from higher end sources such as Allen Edmonds or high-end used classics from As opposed to less customized outfitters such as For Women Here are some classic office fashions for women: Suits: Dark-colored suits and ties Blazers: Can smarten up simple looks Shirts: Crisp button-down shirts or blouses Skirts: Should reach at least the top of your knees Shoes: Heels, loafers, or flats Colors: Neutral colors like black, brown, or dark grey are preferable Patterns: Can be added to an outfit Statement jewelry: Can be added to a suit Poplin dresses: Can be polished for humid days Linen-blend shirts: Can be good for hectic commutes To look your best, you can keep your clothes clean, pressed, and wrinkle-free. You can also dress to impress, but not necessarily for success.

By |March 24th, 2023|Categories: Uncategorized|Comments Off on Haberdashery

How are You Not Married?

The best piece of relationship advice I ever got was to take a sheet of paper and write down all of the attributes that you are looking for in a partner.  Honest, funny, curious, bubbly, easy-going, reliable, etc.  THEN BECOME THOSE THINGS.  You attract what you become. What you are thinking now is creating your future life. You create your life with your thoughts. Because you are always thinking, you are always creating. What you think about most or focus on the most, is what will appear as your life. But being happy in a relationship is something you learn. It's not inherited or given. It's created by ordinary people with the will and courage to make extraordinary commitments.  All you need is persistence and a good map.  And picking a partner that is free from mental health issues. But some can't always pick their family, for instance, the children of BPD parents have a tough road.   Many mental health issues are out there, as shown in the neurodivergent umbrella below, but perhaps the most troubling of all are the ones that defy traditional medication and treatment.  There are 14 million adults in the U.S. who are estimated to have borderline personality disorder (BPD). They make up 2 percent of the general population but 20 percent of psychiatric inpatients. Most are women, and they typically turn the ups and downs of everyday life into a roller-coaster ride of moods. In doing so, they don't just alienate others around them, they subvert their own life trajectory. Explosively reactive, and often struggling to get a grip on themselves, borderlines have difficulty maintaining stable relationships or even holding down a job.  Borderlines are interpersonal tornadoes.  Chaos and crises, in fact,

By |March 24th, 2023|Categories: Uncategorized|Comments Off on How are You Not Married?

Happiness Masterclass

Lesson 1 In lesson number one, Happiness Masterclass will teach the rudiments of breathwork, which is one of the simplest and most powerful techniques for unlocking inner happiness. Happiness Masterclass explains, “Breathing is something we do all the time, we don't even have to think about it. However, how we breathe can do a lot to improve the physical state of our brains and our bodies.” She adds, “In times of stress, we tend to tense up, our heart rate increases, our blood pressure may rise, we perspire, our metabolism changes, and our breathing rates become shallow. This shallow breathing restricts the flow of oxygen into our body, which is vital for well-being and happiness. In this lesson, we’ll have a look at why bringing more awareness to our breathing can be very beneficial for increasing our happiness.” Lesson 2 In lesson number two, Happiness Masterclass will teach practical techniques for overcoming negative thought patterns which often interfere with inner peace and happiness. In Happiness Masterclass’s words, “This life-changing session is all about how to create a mindset for happiness. So, if you've been frustrated trying to create happiness in your life so far, or often find your happiness derailed in the same or similar circumstances, this session will help you better understand your experience and show you how to restore and protect your happiness.” Lesson 3 The focus of lesson number three is Gratitude. Recent studies show that feeling and expressing gratitude leads to better physical health and even slows down the ageing process, as it activates the feel-good hormones in our body. In this session, Happiness Masterclass will teach you how to use gratitude to turbocharge your happiness. “If you try using gratitude

By |March 24th, 2023|Categories: Uncategorized|Comments Off on Happiness Masterclass