Horse To Do

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Horse To Do


Blue Lyte or lite salt on game and hunt days
Feed equine senior if you want to add weight also can do shredded beet pulp with molasses, soaked overnight in water or wyoming hay (alfalfa) cubes soaked in water

Rub MTG on legs for rain rot in spring

Spray absorbine on sore backs and legs after bathes

Trim manes, whiskers and tails monthly

bute polo ponies as needed

SDZ 15 tabs twice daily for sinus infections

Oil change on Ram the start of polo season and acid wash and rotate trailer tires every year at Discount Tire

preventative spray on golf cart terminals and check water level on golf cart batteries, take home in October and then charge monthly, hand tightening connections

sandclear again in June if on sand lot

Quest gel in April and October

Cheap Ivermectin dewormer in June and December

Iodine on sore hooves, not on frog, especially smarty

Use thrush buster on hooves in wet months especially dash

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