Paying for College

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    Paying for College

    Start by considering how Colorado State compares to other institutions. Then, work through your own cost estimates by using tools like our Net Price Calculator,

    Less $15K/yr scholarship for good grades at MSU.

    According to the Bureau for Labor Statistics, there is a positive correlation between the earnings of employees and their level of education. Based on weekly earning data from 2017, those with the highest educational levels earn on average three times more than those with the lowest levels of education 1. Here are the median weekly earnings for U.S. employees aged 25 and over, based on each level of education:

    Education Level Median Weekly Earnings
    Less than high school diploma $520
    High school diploma but no college education $712
    Some college education but no degree $774
    Associate’s degree $836

    A recent study from Georgetown University found that, on average, college graduates earn $1 million more in earnings over their lifetime. Another recent study by the Pew Research Center found that the median yearly income gap between high school and college graduates is around $17,500 23.

    The Federal Reserve Bank of New York concludes that a college degree still pays off. The average college graduate earns $78,000 a year compared to the $45,000 earned by someone with only a high school education 4. That’s a 75% premium, or more than $30,000 a year.

    Please note that these are general statistics and individual salaries may vary depending on factors such as industry, location, experience, and job position.

    According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the median salary for lawyers in the United States is $131,500 per year 1. However, this figure varies depending on the type of law practiced and the location of the practice. For instance, graduates of Seton Hall School of Law in Newark, New Jersey, secure the ninth-highest national salary at $115,233. Remarkably, the figure rises to the sixth-highest nationwide at $101,406 just two years after graduation 2.

    On the other hand, high school graduates earn a median weekly income of $712 3. This translates to an annual income of approximately $37,024.

    Therefore, on average, lawyers earn significantly more than high school graduates. However, it’s important to note that individual salaries may vary depending on factors such as industry, location, experience, and job position.

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