

Year of the Cowgirl

Cowgirls come in all shapes and sizes. Some train horses, some ranch, some stay at home and wrangle babes –others work in an office and wrangle clients–whatever your brand of cowgirl is, be that authentically, unapologetically and do it unequivocally

By |May 1st, 2024|Categories: Ranching|Comments Off on Year of the Cowgirl


Big reining stars can earn huge sums. For example, Shawn Flarida has won $6 million throughout his career. The average horse reining trainer in the US makes $27,456. The National Reining Horse Association pays an average salary of $62,198. Investors can take advantage of the lucrative market for reigning horses by investing in a well-designed and well-managed reining horse syndicate. Other ways to make money in reining include:  Working hard and being dedicated to your craft Playing the game Operating on the basis of how much money you can drain from your client's pocket Reining is a sport that developed from the traditional skills of ranchers. It has seen a massive boost in popularity. For example, “The Run for a Million” is a huge reining competition in Las Vegas that boasts a million-dollar prize to the winner.   raining is the fastest growing equine sport in the world. much like it’s English, cousin, dressage, Rein is the perfection of horsemanship basics, but in the western disciplines. Being performed at speed, however, elevates the degree of difficulty, whether your horses, circling, turning, changing lights, stopping or backing up. Today’s judging system, objectively rates each maneuver on a scale from minus one and 1/2 points, extremely poor, to plus one and a half points, excellent, was zero being average. A Horse&Rider team begins each pattern with a score of 70 and then either zeros, pluses, or minuses the maneuvers for a cumulative score. Individual maneuvers include walk in, stops, spins, rollbacks, circles, backups, lead changes, rundowns, runarounds, and hesitation. Penalties are assessed for a variety of rule and pattern infractions such as over under spinning, missing, and Anna marker, breaking gate, etc. The penalties range from zero to -5,

By |February 28th, 2023|Categories: Ranching|Comments Off on Reining


Reining is a Western riding competition that involves a horse and rider executing a set pattern of maneuvers that demonstrate the horse's athletic ability and the rider's horsemanship skills. It is often described as the Western equivalent of dressage, with movements that include spins, sliding stops, and flying lead changes. In a reining competition, the horse and rider are judged on their precision, speed, and control as they perform the required maneuvers. The goal is to execute each movement with smoothness, grace, and accuracy, demonstrating the horse's athletic ability and the rider's skill. Reining is a popular discipline within the Western riding community, with competitions held at all levels from local to international. It is also recognized as an equestrian sport by the International Federation for Equestrian Sports (FEI).

By |February 23rd, 2023|Categories: polo, Ranching|Comments Off on Reining

Western Saddles

We almost never ride western, preferring polo, foxhunting or show jumping saddles for various disciplines and for cross country terrain. However, there are times when a western saddle is more suitable or secure for training young horses. And certainly, if you going to rope, rein, cut or do ranch work, you can't do that in an English saddle. But let's face it, Western saddles are not very comfortable (or at least the cheap Circle Y knockoff that we started riding Western in wasn't) but with the help of our friends, we discovered that not all western saddles are alike, in fact there are more options than you can shake a stick at, which makes western saddles confusing to many if not all English riders or other newcomers to the Western seat. Here are the differences. This is the story of our search for the perfect western saddles for our purposes, which are probably radically different than most Western riders, but we are mostly looking for a saddle that rides English but looks Western.  First, you have to decide what type of saddle, as described by saddleupcolorado.net the abbreviated list is as follows: 1. All Around Saddles All-around saddles live up to their name. They are one of the most versatile saddles out there and can be used in just about every discipline. They are designed for anything! You can use an all-around saddle for ranching, roping, barrel racing, trail riding, and more. These saddles have a strong and stout horn so you are able to rope out of them or even drag cows with it. It is also equipped with a sturdy tree, which allows it to handle the pressure of roping. It has a

By |February 4th, 2022|Categories: Foxhunting, Ranching, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Western Saddles

How to Live Without Toilet Paper

The Sears Catalog Method My mom grew up on a farm and at the outhouse that they had was a copy of the 2" thick Sears and Roebuck catalog. Self-explanatory. The Leaf Method My dad was a big outdoorsman and was a fan of the leaf method. This guy explains how on his site and he even grows a specific plan for doing the deed. https://robgreenfield.tv/toiletpaper/ The Bidet Method The Backcountry Bidet is pretty simple– it’s a 4 fluid ounce squeeze bottle with a flip-top, which I found in the miscellaneous water bottles section at REI many years ago. You could use any kind of squeeze bottle that can produce a high-powered jet with a one-handed squeeze. For reference, I can get a good 20-foot jet out of my bottle (not that I test that every chance I get…). https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B0108GMCWY/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o06_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B016EN1GMM/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o05_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B07L448T4K/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o07_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 The Paper or Cloth Method

By |December 11th, 2020|Categories: Ranching, Survival, Uncategorized|Comments Off on How to Live Without Toilet Paper

Getting Started with Goats

https://www.weedemandreap.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/GettingStartedwithGoats.pdf Lauren's favorite new website Weed Em and Reap, for learning about goats: GROW YOUR OWN FOOD ? The Best Soil Combination for Raised Garden BoxesTake a Tour of our 1-Acre Farm5 Easy-to-grow Vegetables for the Beginner Gardener12 DIY Raised Garden Bed Tutorials GET A GOAT ? A Simple Guide to Raising & Milking GoatsDoes Goat's Milk taste...Goaty?A Simple Guide to Buying your first GoatThis is why you'll fall in LOVE with Nigerian Dwarf Goats TAKE CARE OF YOUR HEALTH NATURALLY ? Homemade & Remineralizing Whitening ToothpasteBalancing Hormones NaturallyNatural Relief for Back DiscomfortHow I Reversed my Son's Asthma WHIP UP A HEALTHY MEAL 3 Reasons why you should be eating LardMilk Showdown: Cow vs. Goat vs. Sheep - Which is best?Homemade Soaked TortillasThe Best Pizza Dough RecipeHomemade Chocolate Syrup36 Fool-Proof Dehydrator RecipesHomemade Goat's Milk Mozzarella Goat Milk Soap Recipe

By |July 1st, 2020|Categories: Ranching|Comments Off on Getting Started with Goats