Polo is for Kids Too
Polo is for Kids Too It’s never too early to start children on the polo fields or with foot mallets.
Polo is for Kids Too It’s never too early to start children on the polo fields or with foot mallets.
But, Where is the Finish Line! Energy Downs You will find Energy Downs at the Cam-Plex facility in Gillette, Wyoming. It's your typical Western Fair Track, it features an open air grandstand that seats 3,000 people. The track appears to be a five eights mile dirt oval. One thing that seems to be missing is the finish line. Harvey, by a snout Thanks to instant racing, pari mutual racing returned to Energy Downs in 2015, after a nineteen year hiatus. I have no idea what name the track went by back then. Racing came back for three days in 2015 and has been upped to six days in 2016. If you want to try instant racing or simulcasting, you have to head to the Sundance Lounge. In 1985, Harvey Wallbanger broke his maiden at Energy Downs, he won a 110yd match race against a quarter horse by two and a half lengths. From there he would go on to win 79 of 93 races in the United States, Canada and Mexico against quarter horses, thoroughbreds and standardbreds. Not to shabby for a one ton Bison! The Harvey Wallbanger cocktail, apparently no relation, was created in 1969 as a marketing campaign by McKesson Imports Company, importer of Galliano, as a means of driving sales of Galliano. The campaign was headed by George Bednar, marketing director of McKesson, and a cartoon character was commissioned from graphic artist William J. "Bill" Young in Lima, New York,[1][2] with the tagline that Bednar claimed to have penned: "Harvey Wallbanger is the name. And I can be made!"[3][4][5] The Harvey Wallbanger character was a surfer, appearing in various ads during the campaign, and was mentioned in print as early as 1969,[3]
Roaring Fork Polo Club Presents the 20th Anniversary Devereux Polo Cup at Stout Ranch WHAT: The 20th Anniversary Devereux Polo Cup, a thrilling match featuring some of the region’s best polo players. This year’s competition will pit Team Land Rover Roaring Fork against Team Hotel Colorado. The event will also include free food, beverages, music, half time entertainment, and an air show. WHEN: June 16, 2024 TIME: 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. WHERE: Stout Ranch, 2000 Baldy Creek Road, New Castle, CO COST: Free. Cash donations will be collected on site to support the New Castle Historic Museum. Donors will receive a 20 th Anniversary Polo Poster. BACKGROUND: Garfield County’s deep history with polo dates back to the 1890s when Hotel Colorado founder Walter Devereux and Hervey Lyle, both championship players, formed the Glenwood Polo and Racing Association. The Hotel Colorado, which was completed in 1893, featured its own polo grounds for the use of the guests and quickly gained a national reputation for hosting world-class hosting teams. The Glenwood Springs team captured the World Championship in 1903, 1904 and 1912. Larry MacDonald, the General Manager of Hotel Colorado, and Barry Stout, owner of the Roaring Fork Polo Club and Stout Ranch, paid tribute to the sport’s deep roots in the region by reviving the Rocky Mountain Polo Championship in 2004 as the Devereux Cup. PRE-EVENT FESTIVITIES: Meet the Players Reception Date: Friday, June 14th Time: 5 p.m. Location: Hotel Colorado, Outside Bar LOGISTICS: Accommodations available through the Hotel Colorado’s exclusive Polo Package for $189/night for event attendees. Book accommodation here. (https://reservations.travelclick.com/2939?groupID=4301990 ) Four-wheel drive vehicles recommended for accessing the site. ### MEDIA PHOTOS: Devereux Polo Cup
Equine Health Update - June 17, 2014 **Vitamin B Complex: Essential for Equine Health** **Overview:** Vitamin B complex plays a vital role in preventing and treating vitamin B deficiencies in horses. It's particularly crucial as these vitamins aren't stored in the body and must be replenished daily. While good pasture provides ample B vitamins, concentrated feeds often lack them. The complex aids in nutrient metabolism, including fats, proteins, and carbohydrates. **Benefits:** Injectable vitamin B complex, containing thiamine, riboflavin, pyridoxine, niacinamide, d-panthenol, and cyanocobalamin, helps boost metabolism, especially in deficient horses. However, for healthy horses, excess B vitamins are swiftly excreted, making injections unnecessary. **Usage:** Vitamin B complex is administered orally or via injection. It's commonly used for horses with inadequate diets, illness, liver issues, or post-surgery recovery. Additionally, hard-working horses may benefit from supplementation. **Dosage:** Dosage varies based on method and condition. Oral administration ranges from syrup to capsules, while injections are given intramuscularly, intravenously, or subcutaneously. Careful dosing is crucial to avoid adverse reactions, such as anaphylaxis. **Side Effects and Precautions:** While side effects are rare, allergic reactions may occur. Signs include facial swelling, hives, diarrhea, and in severe cases, shock or coma. It's essential to avoid overdosing and consult a veterinarian before administration, especially if there's a history of hypersensitivity. **Interactions and Overdose:** There are no reported interactions, and vitamin B complex has low toxicity levels when used correctly. However, adherence to dosage instructions is vital to prevent adverse effects. **Conclusion:** Vitamin B complex is indispensable for equine health, aiding in energy production, digestion, and blood formation. Proper administration and monitoring ensure its benefits without risks.
Polo Grooming Checklist At Farm – Prior to Travel 1) Start engine and let truck warm up. Make sure parking brake is on. Make sure trailer is properly hitched (clasp closed/locked, leg is all the way up, power plugged in, chains latched. 2) Make sure water tank is full, if taking a tank 3) Check tire pressure in all tires 4) Check brake lights on trailer 5) Make sure all tack is loaded 6) Pull horses/tie to trailer 7) Shipping boots for long trips 8) Muzzle? 9) Load horses in order 10) Clip all trailer gates before leaving 11) Undue parking break and set E-brake before driving, and set brake at 3.5 for full load of horses (1.5 if empty) At Trailer Before Game 1) Set truck parking brake 2) Unload and tie (not near door latch on back or side of trailer) 3) Set up hose (away from trucks) 4) Trailer Tying and water buckets up horses (for long trips) 5) Brush 6) Fly spray 7) Wrap legs, bell boots and tendon boots 8) Determine playing order of horses 9) Tack horses 10) Lay out gear bags, mallets/chairs and mounting block 11) Tails braided but left down until just before chukker played During Game 1) Prepare next chukker horse, warm up 2) End of chukker take horse/hand off next horse and mallet 3) Strip horse – unwrap/undo tail 4) Thoroughly wash horse (no sweat) – do not spray trucks or waste water 5) Walk horse if breathing hard 6) Tie to trailer 7) Hang bridles on hook in trailer 8) Hang wraps and lay out saddle pads to dry 9) Repeat If Playing 1) Prepare both horses before chukker 2) Strip horse if done/stack
This was a great article recently published in Polo Players Edition. no Is in team and goals given in tournaments
https://www.gavsayspoloacademy.com/blog/stick-balling-a-nappy-horse Stick & Balling A Nappy Horse Transcription Hi guys, Gav again. I've been giving quite a lot of polo lessons lately to people that are bringing on young horses and also beginners that are getting themselves into polo. And I see them making the same mistake with their horse so often, because remember this, that a horse is a herd animal. It wants to go back to the pony lines. It wants to go back to the stables. So you see these beginners making mistakes because they don't get into the horses head. And what do I mean by that? Get into the horses head. They don't think like the horse. You've got to think like a horse to be able to overcome those problems. And the horse is telling you something all the time if you learn to interpret it's body language and what is telling you. But the number one issue I'm seeing is the nappyness - the natural urge the horse has to want to go back to the horse lines or the stables. So what people are doing and the mistakes they're making are for example, the horses on the left, okay. And they are going and playing on the off side - now as they play the shot, the horse veers off and runs away from the ball. Why not? Because it's scared of the ball. A lot of them aren't, they just want to go back to the horse lines, but you're interpreting that as it's being scared of the ball. But if you turn round and actually canter the other way and put the ball between the horse lines or stables and the horse, suddenly you find
How to Repair Leather with an Awl
Polo Swing Technique & Stickwork Riding https://www.gavsayspoloacademy.com/blog/dribbling-techniques Here's just a few brilliant takeaways from the Interview and Lessons I created with 7-goaler Chris Mackenzie. Advice on dribbling, body position, tapping, and distributing +++ MORE... Fixing Inconsistent & Misdirected Shots Transcription: So, often poor or inconsistent shots are caused by one or two fundamentals not being done correctly. Firstly, an incorrect grip causes problems. Secondly, poor posture. And third, not paying attention to a correct swing plane, are usually the major contributing factors in the inconsistent and misdirected shots. If you look in this still picture, you can see that Chris's finger is protruding here. And if one goes back to the video I did on the grip, you will see immediately that if you look at the back fingers, there, that they are across the mallet and not with the mallet. Okay. So, the most important thing for me, is that these two knuckles are on top of the mallet. If you look, there's a ridge down the top of the mallet where it bends to go down, okay. That ridge, this knuckle here, needs to be on top of that ridge and this knuckle needs to be just below it, so that the finger is wrapping around like that. A really easy way to do it is to make sure that your fingers and hands are running with the mallet like this, put that knuckle on top of the mallet and then take the grip. Because what that will mean is that mallet from the front hangs absolutely below my arm. If you allow this knuckle to slide off round the side like that. Immediately you see this finger protrude. When this finger protrudes, these three fingers of your hand have gone from, with the shaft to