Whole30 Reintroduction

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    Whole30 Reintroduction

    The Whole30 website reads as follows on the reintroduction phase:

    Days 1–30: Original Whole30 elimination

    Day 31 (optional): Reintroduce added sugar all by itself

    Days 32–33: Back to Whole30 elimination

    Day 34: Reintroduce legumes all by itself

    Days 35–36: Back to Whole30 elimination

    Day 37: Reintroduce non-gluten grains all by themselves

    Days 38–39: Back to Whole30 elimination

    Day 40: Reintroduce dairy all by itself

    Days 41–42: Back to Whole30 elimination

    Day 43: Reintroduce gluten-grains all by themselves

    Day 44–45: Back to Whole30 elimination

    Day 46 (optional): Reintroduce alcohol all by itself

    Day 47–48: Back to Whole30 elimination

    You can break this schedule down ever further if you like: splitting out artificial sweeteners from more natural sugars, reintroducing corn separately from other non-gluten grains, or reintroducing gluten-free alcohol separately from gluten-containing beer. The more carefully and patiently you reintroduce, the more you’ll learn from your experience.

    Just remember to return to the Whole30 elimination phase for 2-3 days between each Reintroduction food group. And if at any point you feel like you haven’t adequately recovered from the effects of the reintroduced foods, give yourself a few more days of Whole30 elimination before you bring in another.

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