This Land is Your Land

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    This Land is Your Land

    Get outside and discover it.

    While the white man did a great injustice to the native peoples of North America, in changing the lay of the land, the one redeeming thing about the current status of land ownership in the US, is the amount of public lands, particularly in western states. Get outside and discover it.

    Beeches, boats and fancy dinners or what most people think about when they think about a date. In our family, it’s more about prairies, ponies, and sporting adventures down two track roads that lead us back to old friends and the chance to make even more memories.

    Life is not measured by the breathes we take, but the moments that take our breath away.

    By |October 9th, 2020|Categories: Fishing, Uncategorized, Wingshooting|Comments Off on This Land is Your Land

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