Evelyn Woods Reading Dynamics-Speed Reading

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    Evelyn Woods Reading Dynamics-Speed Reading

    This changed my life, I got it during law school and did all of the exercises, which requires listening to the material, timed tests, writing out things in a workbook, etc.   It took about a week.  Then I felt like I was slowing down, so I did it about 5 years later.  I have it on cassette tape.  It’s $199 online MP3 download, but they have it on CDs on ebay, which is better, assuming you have a way to play CDs for like $30.  Libraries should also have it.  It was very famous in the 1970-80’s with business executives, even Presidents of the United States. It quadrupled my reading speed and increased my comprehension. 

    I can read a book a night, in 1-3 hours, with 90-95% comprehension, which is fine for the non-fiction type books that I enjoy. 

    Here is my copy of the workbook below, but you really need the tapes, CDs, or MP3 downloads to go along with it. This will change your life and make you a much faster reader than you were before taking the course.

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