Transcendental Meditation

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    Transcendental Meditation

    “I have been practicing TM for over nine years, and it has changed my life,” says Katy Perry. “It is one of the most important tools I use to keep me balanced and creative with a positive mindset. I started TM back in my college days and I recently went back to it. It is surprisingly effective and can be done anywhere for even a few minutes a day, but it is very effective at helping you fall asleep as well.

    I repeat my mantra as I fall asleep. Cracking a window, which both of my grandmothers always did, even in Minnesota winters, also helps with a good nights sleep.

    What is TM?

    It’s a simple, natural, effortless technique practiced 20 minutes twice each day while sitting comfortably with the eyes closed.

    The TM technique allows your active mind to easily settle inward, through quieter levels of thought, until you experience the most silent and peaceful level of your own awareness — pure consciousness.

    Six things you should know

    1. Absolutely effortless — It’s so easy and enjoyable that anyone can do it — even children with ADHD. This makes it very different from other techniques.
      • No concentrating
      • No control of the mind
      • No monitoring of thoughts (mindfulness)
      • No trying to “empty the mind”
    2. Authentic — The TM technique was founded by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi over 50 years ago, and has been learned by more than six million people. It can only be taught by certified TM teachers in a course carefully personalized for each individual.
    3. Unique — Other meditations often claim to be the same or similar to the TM technique. In fact, they are very different — and there is no evidence they provide the same benefits.
    4. Evidence-based — Hundreds of published research studies on the TM technique have documented major benefits for:
      • stress and anxiety
      • brain function
      • cardiovascular health
    5. Established — Over six million people have learned the TM technique and experienced its benefits — people of all ages, cultures, religions, and walks of life.
    6. Nothing to believe in — The TM technique is not a religion, philosophy, or lifestyle. No belief or expectation is needed for it to be effective.

    The TM technique is simple mental repetition of a “mantra” or word. The TM movement claims that only specific “words” can be used. They claim that the selection of words is based upon a secret formula. 

    Lauren’s mantra is ENG

    My mantra is KIRING

    Unlike other forms of meditation, TM® practice involves no concentration, no contemplation, no monitoring of thoughts, no control or manipulation of any kind.
    TM is easy and enjoyable.  Instead of trying to focus or control your mind (or your breath or posture, for that matter), the TM technique allows your mind to automatically and effortlessly settle inward to that silent and peaceful level within. It’s something you can both enjoy and benefit from.

    See the TM Checking Notes and Steps to Initiation for details on the initiation and checking rituals.

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