Dinner the French Way – Six Courses on a Weeknight at the Carriage House

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    Dinner the French Way – Six Courses on a Weeknight at the Carriage House

    The French way of six courses on a weeknight dinner at the Carriage House:

    • Finger foods and champagne.
    • Pumpkin soup, baked in the pumpkin, with creme fraiche and mushrooms.
    • Lauren’s deer tenderloin with duck foie gras, served in a sharptail grouse broth and grape compote, accompanied by potatoes, sweet potatoes, and celeriac.
      • Celeriac : 1 root for 2/3, cut into 1 inch pieces, boil for 15 minutes, then butter fried in a pan, masher, and you add butter or/and cream until you are happy with the taste. Salt and pepper. You could mix with same quantity of potatoes if the meal is not game.
      • Potatoes : Mash as usual. Add butter and crème fraiche (better than milk), Sour cream good alternative I used. Then for us 5 I added 4 yolks and whisked the whites to “blancs en neige” and add with a spoon, little by little 3/4 of it until the texture was okay, not too liquid. Season with salt and pepper.   (Note-some potatoes are more dense than others, hence no proportions.)
    • Salade with herb vinaigrette
    • Cheese course
    • Lemon meringue pie with tart white wine

    The .22 Hornet at the ready.

    For the deer sauce/compote:  Just shallots and grape in butter. Slow cooking they have to melt. 1 hour to 1.30. Then add the stock ( I made do with grouse but better use the trimmed meats and bones of the beast cooked) let it evaporate and add the final touch to thicken if you wish ( I had foie gras but corn flour ( maïzena ) + butter fine.

    By |September 18th, 2018|Categories: Cuisine, France|Comments Off on Dinner the French Way – Six Courses on a Weeknight at the Carriage House

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