Lucky McDaniel – A Legend of Instinctive Shooting

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    Lucky McDaniel – A Legend of Instinctive Shooting

    I just noticed that this 1960 issue of Guns Magazine is now available for free online.  It features legendary shooter, Lucky McDaniel, who was famous for teaching and exhibiting instinctive shooting.  Lucky’s method formed a good basis for a lot of what our instructor, Buz Fawcett teaches about instinctive shotgunning.  It’s a good read, here is the link to the magazine:

    I also found this great blog article on the original Lucky McDaniel training set.

    And this old Sports Illustrated article on Lucky McDaniel.

    Here is a link to an article by the infamous shotgunning great, Lucky McDaniel, that are worth studying for the avid wingshooter:

    And an interesting link to a magazine article If  It’s In Range article about Lucky McDaniel

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