Herbal Medicines for Cold and Flu, Together with Colloidal Silver for Antibiotics

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    Herbal Medicines for Cold and Flu, Together with Colloidal Silver for Antibiotics

    Gan Mao Ling, 100 ct, Plum Flower 2 Pack! Yin Chiao Chieh Tu Pien, Sugar Coated Tablets, 2x 120 tablets / Yin Qiao Jie Du PianSource Naturals Wellness Formula Capsules, 240 Count

    For cold prevention, take three tablets every four hours when exposed to cold or flu, of both Gan Mao Ling and Yin Chiao.

    Wellness Formula is also great, my secretary takes 5 a day and hasn’t been sick in over 5 years.

    Colloidal silver is a natural antibiotic which you can take 1 teaspoon of per day (we like a 1/4 dropper full of the 500ppm), as recommended by our doctor friend who has been using it on his children for decades with great results (they have never had prescription antibiotics in their life).  Colloidal Silver is a powerful, non-toxic, natural antibiotic that is effective against bacteria, germs, virus and fungi. It is able to protect the human body from various infections and stimulate new cell growth. It can be used orally or topically on the skin, through the rectum, atomized or nebulized into the lungs, nose and eyes without any irritation or side effects!


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