Spatchcocking a Chicken or Other Bird

    From Ferenc Horvath

    The only tools used.

    The chicken in a classic pose.

    But the cutting is done from this side, breast side down.

    Cutting along the backbone. Need good quality kitchen shears to do the job.

    Done with one side.

    The backbone removed.

    Cutting the cartilage on the wing side of the keel bone.

    The tip of the keel bone exposed.

    You can side your finger tips along the keel bone and the attached cartilage to detach it from the flesh.

    The keel bone and cartilage exposed.

    The keel bone and cartilage exposed.

    The keel bone and cartilage exposed.

    The keel bone and cartilage removed. At this point the chicken is spatchcock​ed. However, I continue on with cutting the chicken in half and removing the rib bones.

    Cutting through the flesh to separate the two halves of the chicken.

    The chicken cut in half.
    The fat and breast bones removed.

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