In New Mexico and Colorado, green chile stew is legendary, where it is simply called “chile verde.”  Chile verde is a green chile and pork stew from northern Mexico and it very popular in the American Southwest.    Everyone makes it, everyone eats it, and everyone loves it.  But, everyone has a different recipe for it–with or without, tomatoes, potatoes, cumin, tomatillos, cilantro.   Serve in a bowl, with a warm tortilla on the side, with a dallop of sour cream.  We haven’t yet decided if we like this one or this alternate recipe for chile verde from Wendy, the best, so we continue to make them both.  It should be served with a bowl of Fresh Tomatillo Salsa on the table, for those that like it even hotter!


    • 2 lbs. pork tenderloin, diced into 3/4″ chunks
    • 1 c. onion, chopped
    • 14 oz. Kitchen Basics brand or homemade chicken broth
    • 1½ t. garlic powder
    • 2 ½ T. chicken stock
    • 1 t. celery salt
    • 1 T. cornstarch
    • 1 T. Mexican seasoning
    • ½ tablespoon green chili powder
    • 10 oz. green enchilada sauce
    • 27 oz. Hatch green chile, chopped
    • 8 oz. Hatch green chile, pureed
    • 1 t.  French sea salt
    • habanero hot sauce as needed


    1. Brown pork and drain
    2. Add onion & chicken broth (will not cover meat)
    3. Simmer 1 hour, stirring often
    4. Add spice mix and a little water
    5. Simmer 1 hour stirring often to avoid sticking
    6. Add green enchilada sauce and stir
    7. Simmer ½ hour
    8. Add chopped green chile
    9. Cook for 15 minutes
    10. Add 8 oz. Green chile, pureed
    11. 10 minutes later
    12. Adjust with ½ teaspoon jalapeno, 1 teaspoon salt and a liberal dose of Habanero hot sauce.

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