Friends from the Sporting Road

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    Much like Hemingway, I’ve spent much of my life traveling, and these journeys have deepened my appreciation for beauty, nature, and lasting treasures. This passion has turned me into an avid collector of unique objects from around the world as well as recipes.  I try to inspire people to embrace a life of adventure and revive the dreams of their childhood—dreams of exploring jungles, oceans, deserts, and mountains. Some will pursue this adventurous spirit through their imagination, consuming books, stories, and social media, while others will be motivated to venture out into the world themselves. Ultimately, it’s about embracing the spirit of adventure with one’s heart, as that’s where I believe the essence of life on the Sporting Road truly lies.

    First, our four-legged friends make our adventures on the Sporting Road possible.

    Second, we have made a lot of two-legged friends along the Sporting Road as well.  Here’s a list of just a few of them:

    Jim Fergus

    G. Marvin Beeman, MFH and DVM, Arapahoe Hunt

    Rim Chung, master nymph fisherman and inventor of the RS2, Plebby and Avatar

    Barry Conyers, an extraordinary and creative fly tier who loved teaching people how to fly fish and enjoyed teaching his daughter to tie pink flies.

    The Dennehys, inlcuding Wilson Dennehy who along with George Morris, built upon the Gordon Wright and Bert de Nemehy mehods.  Which were also similar to those of Bill Steinkraus, and his mentors ofof the same as well as Frank Carroll and and Morton Cappy Smith, in formulating the modern American way of jumping.

    Sylvia McDonald

    Nick de Toldi of in France

    Pat Dorsey

    Buz Fawcett-wingshooter extraordinaire, instructor at his Wingshooting Workshoop in Idaho, and author of Instinctive Shooting

    Mike Gould

    Stephen Collector

    John Hagen

    Jane Hall

    Roger Hill

    Jeff Hill, Esq.

    Gary Ruppel

    Nick Sawyer

    Frank Sawyer

    Shane Stalcup, the foremost inventor of fly tying materials of our time, and author of several books on tying.  He was the fastest and most accurate commercial tyer I have ever seen, and I’ve seen a lot.  

    Shawn Wayment, DVM

    Len McDaniel

    Paul McDaniel

    Ferenc Horvath

    Some of our favorite authors, other than those listed above and some of which are also friends or acquaintances, are:

    A.K. Best

    Pat Dorsey

    Frederick M. Halford

    Edward Hewitt

    Oliver Kite


    T. Donald Overfield

    Jim Quick

    G.E.M. Skues 

    Bob Saile

    Ray Ovington

    Datus Proper

    John Gierach

    Terry Lawton

    Paul Fauceglia


    Marty Bartholemew

    Ernest Scweibert

    Doug Swisher

    John Voelkner

    Ed Engle

    Charles E. Brooks 

    The Coors Family 

    Shooting & Bird Dogs

    Bill Tarrant

    Michael McIntosh

    Robert Churchill

    Guy de la Valdene

    Tom Huggler

    Steven Rinella, author of Meat Eater, American Buffalo, and The Scavenger’s Guide to Haute Cuisine

    Joel M. Vance

    Dennis Walrod

    Charlie Waterman

    Sir Joseph Nickerson

    Mike Swan

    Thomas Hugler

    Robert Wehle

    Buddy Levy

    Lucky McDaniel

    J. G. Ruffner

    William Beebe

    Ken Davies

    Mike Jennings

    Charles Fergus

    Gene Hill

    Paul A. Johnsgard

    Eric Parker

    Ben O. Williams

    Corey Ford

    Gordon MacQuarrie

    Gene Hill, Burton

    Brad O’Connor, son of the late Jack O’Connor

    George Bird EvansNash Buckingham, Ray Holland, Peter Byrne, William Harnden Foster, Frank Woolner, Charlie Waterman, Joel Vance, William Faulkner, Theodore Roosevelt, and Zane Gray are those I wished I had met. 

    Foxhunting and Show Jumping

    R.S. Surtees

    Joseph B. Thomas

    Michael Clayton

    George H. Morris

    Count Toptani

    Almet Jenks

    Gordon Grand

    Cecil Aldin

    A.Henry Higginson

    Duke of Beaufort

    Benjamin H. Hardawy III



    Gordon Wright

    Jim Meads

    Hugh Robards

    Anne Kursinski

    Vicky Moon

    G. Marvin Beeman

    Don O’Connor

    Lt. Co.l. Harry D. Chamberlin

    Lawrence Phipps III, MFH

    Janet George


    Peter Grace

    Marco Polo

    Hufh Dawnay

    Rege Ludwig

    Adolpho Cambiaso, Poroto and family


    The Ganzis

    Uncle Martin Herrague



    Alan Watts

    Robert M. Pirsig

    D. T. Suzuki

    Thomas Moore



    Dali Lama

    Lao Tzu

    Kahlil Gibran


    Peter Mayle

    Rick Steves

    Cooking and Cuisine

    Auguste Escoffier

    Thomas Keller

    Steven Rinella

    James Beard

    Ferran Adria

    Herve This

    Joy of Cooking by Erma Rombauer

    Barefoot Contessa

    Silver Palate and The New Basics by Sheila Lukins and Julee Rosso

     Grand Livre de Cuisine: Alain Ducasse’s Culinary Encyclopedia

    Alexandre Dumas, Grand Dictionaire de Cuisine, who recommends deglazing a glass of white wine and a few drops of pastis

    Mario Batali

    Bobbie Flay 

    Jacques Pepin (my favorite, rent all of the Jaques and Julia Series videos to see why, Jacques is not the stuffy one, Julia is and she’s not even French)

    Martha Stewart’s Healthy Quick Cooking is her best selling title.

    Stephen Rinella

    Emeril Lagasse

    Paula Deen

    Ernest Hemingway

    Jim Harrison

    Hunter Thompson

    Lawyers and Judges

    Judge Richard Matsch

    Tod Baker

    The Poz

    Gerry Spence

    F. Lee Bailey

    Walter Gerash

    The Yegges

    Guy de La Valdene on a big ranch east of Douglas, WY, in 2003.  Photo by Stephen Collector.  

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