Tortilla Soup

    From Jim Greear.


    • 4-6 corn or flour tortillasnegro pasilla chile
    • 1/3 cup Vegetable oil
    • 4 medium (1 ½ oz) Dried pasilla chilies (remove steams and seeds)
    • 2 Garlic cloves – unpeeled
    • 1 medium large Ripe tomato
    • 1 medium White onion sliced 1/8 thick
    • 6 cups Good chicken broth
    • ½ teaspoon Salt depending on saltiness of broth
    • 2 cups (8 oz) Shredded Monterrey jack cheese
    • 1 large lime Lime (cut into 6 wedges
    • 1 cup Cooked shredded chicken


    1. slice tortillas 1/8 wide, heat oil in skillet, fry strips until they are crisp on all sides, drain on paper toweltortilla soup toppings
    2. cut chilis into 1” squares – reduce heat on oil –fry squares briefly to toast (3-4 seconds) drain on paper towel, place 1/3 of chilies in small bowl, cover w/hot water rehydrate for 30 min. drain – set aside remaining chilies
    3. while chilis are soaking ,roast unpeeled garlic in heavy skillet over med heat, turning until blackened in spots and soft approximately 15 min – cool them remove skin
    4. roast tomato on baking sheet under broiler until blackened flip and do other side – cool-peel –collecting juices
    5. in 4 qt pot – 1 tbl oil – med low heat – fry onion -10 min
    6. place rehydrated chilis in processor w/ garlic, tomato, 1 cup broth, puree until smooth – in pot raise temp to med high press tomato – Chile puree through med mesh strainer into onion – stir for several min until mixture thickens and darkens
    7. mix in remaining 5 cups of broth – simmer – uncovered med-low 30 min season w/ salt
    8.set out garnishes – make mound of fried tortilla strips, fried chilis, cheese and lime on a platter
    9. ladle into bowl – add some chicken let guest garnish