Saint Nicolas De Myre – The French Santa

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    Saint Nicolas De Myre – The French Santa

    The tradition of Santa is based, at least in part, on a real man, St. Nicholas of Myra. Born in Turkey to wealthy parents who died young, Nicolas gave his inheritance to the poor and needy. One of the best-known legends of Nicholas is that of a man who had three daughters and not enough money to provide dowries for them. It is said that Nicholas walked by the house and threw a bag of gold through the window (or alternatively, down the chimney) on three consecutive nights.

    The custom is that on the night of December the 5th, children place their shoes beside the fireplace or at the door. By morning, their little shoes are filled with chocolates, candies, nuts and fruits. Then during the day of the 6th, a little donkey donkey carries baskets filled with biscuits and sweets into the village.

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