Food Lover’s Guide to Denver

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    Food Lover’s Guide to Denver

    The Food Lover’s Guide to Denver features our favorite Braised Colorado Goat Taco recipe and loads of other Denver foodie secrets.  We like to buy our goat meat at Arash International Marker, 2720 S. Parker Road, Aurora, 303-752-9272 (where we also stock up on other Middle East ingredients.  Serve it up with New Mexico green chile pico de gallo and corn tortilla chips.

    Goat is not very popular in European and North American cuisine.  Probably because it is not available in tenderloin or steak form.  However, goats are not confined, less likely to be fed grain, not implanted with growth hormones or antibiotices, and not castrated.  Further, it has more iron and protein than most meats, and less cholesterol and saturated fats.  Goat meat, also known as chevon, is actually one of the cleanest, healthiest meats available.


    By |November 8th, 2014|Categories: Book Reviews, Recipes|Comments Off on Food Lover’s Guide to Denver

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