Bedford Cord Breeches for Foxhunting

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    Bedford Cord Breeches for Foxhunting

    The history and tradition of hunt buttons and colors, are different for each hunt club recognized by the United States Master of Foxhounds Association. There are 139 recognized hunts in the United States and Canada. In 1934 the Arapahoe Hunt was the first hunt west of the Mississippi to be recognized by the MFHA. The Arapahoe Hunt history at Denver Country Club where Cherry Creek mall now sits and then Highlands Ranch where the club was established by Lawrence Phipps, Jr., who maintained a tradition of correct attire and turn out. Dr. Beeman’s father, George Beeman, was Huntsman there for fifty-two years. In 1929, he went to work for Mr. Phipps for “two weeks”but stayed on to become a whipper-in
    and Huntsman from 1934 until 1986.

    If you are looking for breeches that are the ultimate in style and tradition, they are Bedford cord breeches which come at a price of £195.00

    Wool/Cotton hunting bedford cord breeches, dry clean only

    Brace buttons, button fly, high v back and button strappings.
    Made in England.
    I think I might just order a pair or two today as the foxhunting season is quickly approaching!
    By |June 30th, 2013|Categories: Foxhunting|Comments Off on Bedford Cord Breeches for Foxhunting

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