Bear Your Part in the Battle of Life

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    Bear Your Part in the Battle of Life

    Angling teaches a man patience and self control; (fox) hunting improves not only good horsemanship, but pluck and observation; whilst shooting inculcates quickness of hand and eye coupled with endurance and the power of bearing fatigue; football, cricket, rowing, rackets, tennis all bring to the front and encourage qualities that are essentially manly; and perhaps no sport tends to combine all these lessons so much as polo, none makes a man more a man than this entrancing game, none fits him more for the sterner joys of war or enables him better to bear his part in the battle of life.”    – J. Moray Brown, Badminton Library of Sports and Pastimes, 1891

    And, while you are at it, check out the new United States Polo Association website.

    And take back your power.

    Every time I hear this BS about us (those who struggle with addiction [and you could add those with other issues as well]) being powerless, it makes me angry.

    Because it isn’t true. And saying it over and over just makes it harder to really find freedom forever.

    But… in AA it’s the first step – Admit that you’re powerless over alcohol/weed/cocaine/whatever.

    EVEN though you are literally exerting your power by going to the meeting… or talking to a sponsor… or checking into rehab.

    You are LITERALLY showing you have power and choice and at the EXACT same time are being forced to claim powerlessness.

    It drives me crazy.

    EVERYTHING about the change I’ve seen in thousands of people has told me that people have SO much power but have actually give up too much of it. Instead of beating them down more and telling them they are worse we need to empower and strengthen (and I have a gift for you below for this).

    You are NOT powerless. Not even close.

    You’ve just been forgetting about your power and your ability and your gifts for too long. You’ve given up on yourself.

    But we haven’t.

    Unfortunately, the rest of the world has bought into this BS powerlessness story, so it’s likely that a lot of people in your family (or friends too) have told you you’re powerless.

    But what I want you to do is to claim back your power! Own it! Cherish it! And DO NOT let it go!!!

    Because I am telling you, I have seen it literally HUNDREDS OF TIMES!

    SO, let go of that powerlessness BS and join the empowerment revolution. If you want, you can get a FREE month of the IGNTD Hero program – everything we do – at IGNTD right now.

    I hope this helps you like it’s helped so many people I’ve work with before,


    With Love,

    Dr. Adi
    By |June 11th, 2013|Categories: polo|Comments Off on Bear Your Part in the Battle of Life

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