Home Remedies


  • A plastic surgeon, client-friend of mine, says don’t waste your money on expensive creams.  Albolene is the best and cheapest.  It keeps the cracks from becoming permanent scars on your face.  And it’s good for women.  It also removes makeup.  It can be used as a dry fly floatant for fishing, which my fly fishing guide friend uses, as it is much cheaper than the usual petroleum based dry fly goops and better for your skin, he says.  


  • Voltaren arthritis cream (diflonec sodium) for any muscle sores recommended by Lauren’s orthopedic surgeon who is a marathon runner
  • Lidocaine oil and patches for muscle pains 
  • Arnica Montana 30x, homeopathy remedy for pain relief
  • Back patches with Chinese herbs and heat/menthol
  • Wild Lettuce for pain relief, going to try growing this in the garden


Wo China Healing Oil

Vick’s Vapor Rub


D-Hist for Allergies–Natural D-Hist® is a targeted blend of flavonoids, antioxidants, proteolytic enzymes and botanicals designed to provide comprehensive support for seasonal challenges caused by common environmental allergens. The formula includes quercetin, bromelain, stinging nettles leaf and N-acetyl cysteine. The powerful combination actively promotes healthy nasal and sinus passages for individuals with elevated histamine and respiratory irritation.  Loading Dose: 2 capsules three times per day for 7-10 days or as recommended by your health care professional.  Maintenance: 2 or more capsules per day or as recommended by your health care professional.

Helichrysum Italicum Essential Oil


Colloidal Silver Antibiotic, Yin Chiao, and Other Flu Remedies


Yinchiao Herbal Tablets -Multi-purpose Chinese herbal supplement that supports the health of the sinuses, stomach and bowels, respiratory system, immune system, nervous system, as well as the general well being of your body.

We are trying Victory Seeds for Navajo Tobacco next year.  Also trying some Navajo medicinal herbs to make Navajo tea and wild lettuce, together with some French marigolds for the side of the house from www.strictlymedicinalseeds.com.  We also got some strange seeds including Navajo Tea (Thelesperma filifolium), Wild Lettuce (Lactuca virosa) and French Marigold (Tagetes Patula), from another online source, to try next year.

Navajo Medicine and Herbs

COLDS, COUGH AND FLU-What Is Holy Basil/Tulsi?

Tulsi (ocimum sanctum), which is often referred to as holy basil, is a potent herb that has been used in India for thousands of years to treat colds, coughs, and the flu. According to Ayurveda, holy basil promotes purity and lightness in the body, cleansing the respiratory tract of toxins, and relieving digestive gas and bloating. Holy basil leaves offer a rich source of essential oil, containing eugenol, nerol, camphor, and a variety of terpenes and flavonoids. The oil is a strong antiseptic against many kinds of disease-causing organisms, including bacteria, fungi, and parasites.

Holy basil’s oil has antioxidant properties that help reduce the damaging effects of stress and aging on the body. Studies have shown that it protects healthy cells from the toxicity of radiation and chemotherapy. Holy basil also has anti-depression properties. Additionally, it has been shown to help people with:   

  • Acne
  • Asthma
  • Fever
  • Headache
  • Heart disease
  • Inflammation
  • Kidney Stones
  • Lung disorders
  • Respiratory disorders


Vitamin D3-10,000 mg daily, everyday, year round



Magnesium is required in large amounts for virtually every living cell and every biochemical process, but thanks to our modern diets and lifestyle, we just aren’t getting it. In fact, recent studies show that over 2/3rds of Americans are magnesium deficient, with some studies placing that number as high as 80%.  It does play an important role in the body—getting enough can help with muscle cramps, migraines, and more—but it’s not a miracle mineral. 

Over time as modern industrial agriculture has grown, our soils have seen a corresponding decline in magnesium levels. The result is that there is less magnesium available in the foods we eat today compared to just over 50 years ago. This problem is compounded by the daily consumption of caffeine and modern medications, both of which leach the magnesium mineral from our systems faster than we can replace it. Magnesium is also a water-soluble mineral, meaning that every time water leaves our body, our magnesium levels are suffering.

The best way to boost your magnesium levels is to use our Pure Magnesium Oil, which is a magnesium chloride solution – the most bioavailable inorganic magnesium known. It has the ability to be absorbed rapidly via the skin directly to your cells. Topical magnesium utilizes the bloodstream to circulate throughout the entire body and intelligently deliver magnesium to the specific sites where your body needs it most. When you choose to supplement with topical magnesium oil, you are choosing to give your body exactly what it needs, in the right proportions, the way that nature intended.
 With Mg oil you’re getting 100% absorbable elemental mg delivered directly to the cellular level through your skin. 

  • Magnesium oxide based supplements have one of the lowest degrees of bio-availability, with as little as 4-10% of magnesium being absorbed by your body. MG supplements also have a negative effect on your digestive system, leaving you with an upset stomach and/or laxitave side effects.

Make sure your Mg oil is purified and tested. Seven Minerals Mg oil exceeds United States Pharmacopeia (USP) standards to bring you a high quality product. Our Mg Oil is tested to U.S. Pharmacopeia / USP by PhD chemists to ensure that it is safe and 100% pure. There are very few brands on the market that can claim such purity about their Magnesium Oil.


Supreme Nutrition Takesumi Supreme, 60 Grams Activated Bamboo Charcoal | 1000 mg per Serving

It’s one of the most important substances ever discovered. It’s charcoal!” That’s a direct quote from the Environment Medical Journal about the power of activated charcoal, aka carbon. It was first mentioned in records dating back to 3750 B.C. in ancient Egypt. Then in 1500 B.C. there is evidence this “black magic” substance was used for wound healing. The great Greek physician Hippocrates used it to treat over a dozen ailments, from toxicity to bacterial infections.

Fast forward to modern times… activated carbon has become a staple in emergency rooms — because of its amazing absorptive properties. In cases of suspected drug overdose or poisoning, it is administered orally to bind the toxins before they have a chance to be absorbed into the bloodstream. In these instances, it’s literally life-saving. In fact, The Western Journal of Medicine says activated charcoal “may be the single most effective treatment in many types of poisoning (toxicity).”

It recently exploded in popularity after Gwyneth Paltrow and other health celebrities began sharing their own transformational stories of using it for detox, weight control, bloating, indigestion, younger skin and more. By all accounts, activated charcoal (carbon) truly IS a “black magic” super substance… But not all charcoal products are created equally. You can go eat charcoal bricks, but that would be bad for you. Many supplements aren’t much better because they’re not in the right form. Bamboo Charcoal is best. Take 1/2 teaspoon shaken in a water bottle on an empty stomach and wait several hours before eating.

Charcoal is burnt organic matter, usually made from coconut shells, peat, or wood, Gina Keatley, a C.D.N. practicing in New York City, tells SELF. “The ‘activation’ in ‘activated charcoal’ comes from a special process during which the charcoal is exposed to gases at high temperatures, which gives the charcoal a very porous surface that acts as a sort of magnet, binding with everything it can get its greedy hands on.”

Xinqinkeli is a traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) formula that contains aristolochic acid, which has been linked to severe kidney damage and urinary tract cancer.

The World Health Organization (WHO) and the New Zealand Herald have both warned against the use of Xinqinkeli.