Summer Melon Salad

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    A Melon Salad for the 
    Dog Days of Summer
    Reprinted from Garden & Gun
    To state the obvious: The heat is on. It’s toasty, it’s sticky, it’s hardly the time to put on a roast. But what August lacks in comfort it delivers in bountiful, beautiful produce. Sam Davis, executive chef of the Garden & Gun Club at the Battery Atlanta, turns to regionally grown melons and Georgia’s arsenal of peaches to fight patrons’ feelings of summertime malaise. “I love working with all of the good stuff of the season,” Davis says. “And melons, peaches, and heirloom tomatoes have a light and refreshing flavor when paired together.”

    Davis adds a tart and tangy element to fresh watermelon and honeydew by bathing them in a citrus marinade. Peaches get a gentle sprinkle of sugar and a quick char on a cast-iron grill (emphasis on quick) to deliver a caramelization that pops against slices of salted tomatoes—think beefy Brandywines and Black Russians. Paired with polka dots of whipped goat cheese, the result is a piquant plate that’ll take your mind off the rising mercury, if only for a moment.
    Melon Salad(Yield: 3–5 servings)

    1 medium watermelon sliced into squares, extra flesh reserved
    1 medium honeydew sliced into squares, extra flesh reserved
    2 tbsp. fresh lemon juice
    2 tbsp. fresh lime juice (or substitute 4 tbsp. yuzu juice for lemon and lime juice) 
    2 bunches fresh mint, divided
    3 tbsp. sugar
    3 slightly underripe peaches
    2 tbsp. canola oil
    2 heirloom tomatoes 
    Salt, to taste
    5 oz. whipped goat cheese (recipe follows)
    1 bunch basil

    For the whipped goat cheese:
    4 oz. log goat cheese (Greek yogurt may be substituted)
    3 tbsp. honey 
    1 tbsp. fresh lemon juice
    1 tbsp. fresh lime juice (or substitute 2 tbsp. yuzu juice for lemon and lime juice)
    Salt, to taste

    Place melon squares into a medium-size mixing bowl. In a blender, pulse reserved melon flesh. Add lemon and lime juice (or yuzu juice if using) along with sugar to the blender. Blend. Strain melon mixture through a fine mesh strainer into a saucepan. On medium-high heat, reduce by a third. Strain reduced melon mixture into a medium bowl. Let cool.

    Tear one bunch mint into the liquid and let steep. Once liquid has cooled, taste and add additional sugar and lemon or lime juice if needed. Pour liquid over melons. Let sit for 30 minutes.

    Cut peaches into four slices. Season peach flesh with a sprinkle of sugar. Heat cast-iron skillet on high. Add canola oil. Place peaches face down on cast iron and let char. Once charred, remove and place in a medium bowl and cover in plastic wrap.

    Make the whipped goat cheese: Place goat cheese into a mixer with paddle attachment. Add honey, lemon and lime juice (or yuzu juice if substituting), and a pinch of salt. Whip until smooth. Place mixture into a squeeze bottle.

    Assemble the salad: Slice heirloom tomatoes. Season with salt. Fan sliced tomatoes on a plate. Place melons around tomatoes. Slice charred peaches and fan around melon and tomatoes. Dot whipped goat cheese around the fruit and vegetables. Tear remaining mint and basil and sprinkle on top. Serve.