Lauren’s Homemade Pasta

Home/Other than French Recipes/Italian/Lauren’s Homemade Pasta

2 cups all-purpose flour
¼ teaspoon salt
2 large eggs plus 2 egg yolks, beaten
Semolina or rice flour, for dusting

Put flour and salt in a mixing bowl. Add eggs and yolks, and mix with hands or wooden spoon for a minute or so, until dough comes together. (Alternatively, use a stand mixer with a paddle attachment.) If dough seems dry or crumbly, add 1 or 2 tablespoons cold water, but only enough to keep the dough together.

Slowly incorporate the flour into the egg, very slowly

Turn dough out onto a board and knead to form a ball. Flatten dough ball to a 1-inch-thick disk, wrap in plastic, and let rest at room temperature for at least 1 hour (several hours is fine).

Divide dough into 4 pieces. Knead each piece until smooth. Roll with a rolling pin or pasta machine as thinly as possible (but not quite paper-thin). Cut each sheet in half, making 8 smaller sheets. Dust dough sheets lightly with semolina to keep them from sticking. Stack 2 or 3 sheets, roll loosely, then cut into 1/2-inch-wide noodles or other desired shape. Or use pasta machine to hand crank fettucine or spaghetti noodles.

Continue until all dough is used. Gently fluff noodles and spread on a semolina-dusted baking sheet. Refrigerate, uncovered, until ready to cook.

Makes some Bolognese or alfredo sauce to top it off!