Adventures Along the Sporting Road with Fast Horses, Paper Hulls and Silk Lines

    Most of our time along the Sporting Road is spent together with family and friends.  One of my hunting buddies has a wife who likes to call several times and ask, “When will you be home?” He replies, “I am out here working to put food on the table and you are giving me a hard time about when I’ll be home?”   She laughs and turns a blind eye.  Or, when our daughter expresses that it’s time to leave the stream, maybe as darkness approaches, I have a similar reply, “Ok, let’s just catch one more fish.”  And, our daughter willfully obliges a few more casts. Our horses neigh when the hunt is called, but the leap onto the trailer and the ones that are left behind always whinny.  And all our travels afar always seem to end too soon.

    But no one ever complains about the time spent in our French kitchen to the smells of these delights in the pan.  Nor does anyone think of leaving the dining room table before the seventh course.  For all of this is some of the best time, time spent enjoying the spoils of our adventures.  After writing a couple of  cookbooks for our family and friends, featuring game and cuisine from our travels, we decided to take our adventures and recipes online, of both our time spent in the field and the kitchen.

    We hope that you will travel with us, through an invisible veil, into our world of the staunchest pointing dogs, fat trout always eager to take the fly, all the foxes you care to chase and good horses to follow them upon, and a bird in the oven and then some, on this Sporting Road from our adventures, whatever they may be, including:


    End of the Sporting Road

    Finding Patron Saints

    Fine Art

    Fly Fishing

    Fly Tying


    Horse Racing






    Upland Shooting

    Wingshooting Workshop


    And for the complete list of all of our adventures featured so far…

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