Active Nymphing (book review 2/5**)

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Active Nymphing (book review 2/5**)

Rick Osthoff, Stackpole Books, 2006

In this comprehensive book on nymph fishing, the author challenges the long-held notion that nymphing involves little more than dead drifting with the current. Osthoff advocates an active strategy of moving the nymph, applying effective casting and creative presentation techniques this book exhausts the techniques of nymphing.

However, it fails to consider the previous works on the subject of active nymphing, such as those by Sawyer, Kite and others.  It is good general overview of all of the methods of fishing below the surface with files.  It probably is well received for trout fisherman in the Midwest, but for our selective trout on mostly tailwaters in the Rocky Mountain streams, I felt that the information to be of limited practical application and failed to even catch the depth of what was already written by Sawyer and Kite, among others.

By |July 3rd, 2011|Categories: Book Reviews, Fishing|Comments Off on Active Nymphing (book review 2/5**)

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